In the News
Meister, who runs the Brooklyn-based consulting and tutoring service The Greer Meister Group, said
the number of requests for live-in private tutors has doubled compared with last summer…
[and] more of
them are being asked to teach multiple siblings, in the style of a governess. She said that’s a
request her
tutors can handle, but many are accustomed to providing more specialized instruction.”
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Meister, founder of The Greer Meister Group, a private tutoring and educational consulting practice
in Brooklyn, started offering small-group enrichment sessions after noticing how much of the
aspect of school was missing from remote learning. She says that ‘academic success for children
often relies
on a child feeling that they belong and that their voice is heard and respected in the academic
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for many families, the stakes are high to
get into elite colleges, and some parents see private tutors
as a necessary step to get the best test scores… [Greer Meister Group] founder Caitlin Meister says
donates packages of free
instruction to public school fundraisers in an effort to make the playing field a bit more level.
mindful of it,’ said Ms. Meister. ‘It has to be something that you’re cognizant of when you work in
industry that is so privilege-based.’”
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“…this is is a perfect chance to help your child (and you) get a crash course in our country’s
Constitution and have some pretty interesting conversations about ethics… Use the topic as a
springboard to
talk about the values that are important to you. ‘My recommendation with any challenging material is
parents to decide what underlying theme they want to focus on,’ Meister says. ‘What resonates with
family values? Use that to decide how to talk with your kids about the issue. Do you want to
personal responsibility? Civic engagement? Compassion? Being an ally and amplifying marginalized
voices? Let
your family’s values guide how you discuss the challenging topic with your child while recognizing
others may have different values.’”
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“After you drop your child off at school, don’t sneak out.
Always say goodbye, Meister says. ‘Show your child that you feel at ease with leaving and that you’re
clear and confident about when you will see him again,’ Meister says. ‘Try to find out what the schedule
for the day is, and tell your child something like, “after lunch, there will be an art project, and
after that art project, mommy will be waiting by the big green door right there.”’” Read more ▸
“Kids learn best when they’re having fun. Pandemic schooling meant less time
in school and fewer hours spent on homework, which presented an amazing opportunity for kids to explore
their own interests! That’s self-direction — guiding our own exploration and learning. During the
pandemic, our son discovered model rocketry. With hours to explore, he began to learn chemistry,
physics, meteorology, and math in pursuit of his new interest…and he connected with new friends he would
never have met otherwise. Not only did he learn more in multiple subjects than he would have in a
typical first grade school year, it was relevant to something he cared about, and it was fun, which
means that he remembers it better and knows how to apply it in the real world, not just in calculations
on a worksheet.” Read more ▸
the days of college admission scandals, untenable student debt and growing acceptance of alternative
education paths, the concept of experiential learning comes into focus. And as students continue
for meaning and value in their education, companies such as The Greer Meister Group, a private
consulting and tutoring practice, offer a unique approach to learning that fits the needs of today’s
and highly flexible academic climate.” Read more ▸
“If your kid comes home from school with a
jumbled mess of crumpled papers, it’s time to step in and help, says Caitlin Meister, founder and director of The
Greer Meister Group, a private educational consulting and tutoring practice. Color-code each subject (if math is the
red notebook, then math gets a red folder) and label each side of the folder. The left side should read ‘To Be
Completed’ and the right side should read ‘To Hand In.’”
The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), recognizes The Greer Meister Group’s founder, Caitlin Greer Meister, for her outstanding audio recording work for young adults.Read more ▸
“Caitlin Meister, a Brooklyn mom and the founder of a private tutoring educational consulting practice,
Insider her office has been nonstop fielding calls from anxious New York City parents…‘concerned
the Omicron variant, how it’s affecting their kids’ schools, how different schools around the city have
changed plans (sometimes multiple times in a few days), how they’re feeling about sending their kids to
school, and how they’re planning to provide stability to their kids as schools grow increasingly
unstable.’” Read more ▸
“If your child is interested in studying the history and engineering of skateboarding, or learning
trigonometry through kite flying, Caitlin Meister’s tutoring company might be the right fit. Meister
The Greer Meister Group in New York City more than a decade ago, and she’s selling more than just test
She has positioned her company as a high-end, boutique outfit that sells individualized educational
experiences.” Read more ▸
“Are your enfants wiling away their summer days in front of the telly and all sorts of
pursuits? Il faut arrêter! Caitlin Meister, founder of The Greer Meister group, to the rescue.
Meister and her trove of top-notch tutors will ensure that your littles do not suffer the ‘summer
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“Caitlin Meister, a Brooklyn mother of two who balances her work in education with a successful
career, started The Greer Meister Group with some of the most diverse — and entertaining — tutors in the
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“As the founder of The Greer Meister Group, [Caitlin Meister] oversees a group of the most
accomplished, engaging, and creative tutors in the tri-state area… ‘Kids learn best when they’re having
fun. Anyone who tells you that tutoring has to look one certain way is stuck inside a comfort zone that
serves the adult first rather than serving the child first.’”
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